Written by Catherine Saxelby
on Monday, 21 October 2019.
Tagged: Foodwatch Newsletter, newsletter, Product review, Subscribe
Keep up with latest nutrition news with our monthly Foodwatch Newsletter. Each month, we send out a newsletter packed with information on the latest diet trends, nutrition research, what's new on the Foodwatch website, info on our Product of the Month and What I'm Eating Now (everyone asks!). Why not subscribe now at the sidebar on the right? That way, you can get our newsletter direct to your Inbox each month.
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Take a look at the topics I've covered:
I outline why obesity (overweight) is on the increase and the reasons why such as portion sizes, a decline in movementn sleep, menopause, etc … and why I've known of them for some years. I also tackle pumpkin and tell you will it should be listed as a super food. You can read the Newsletter here.
I let you know about the plant-based alternatives to meat … and why I’m wary of them. I also tackle eggs (that smart staple) and chewing gum pros and cons You can read the Newsletter here.
I cover how to boost your immune system, how to eat the best chocolate and what is the best exercise to maintain a healthy weight as you get older (a biggie for most of us, myself included). You can read the Newsletter here.
I write about new research from the US which showed that distraction is bad for your waistline so don't read or view things whilst you eat. That includes your mobile! Then I cover breast cancer, National Nutrition Week plus Walk to Work day, as well as giving my verdict on the newest packet soups. You can read the Newsletter here.
Catherine Saxelby has the answers! She is an accredited nutritionist, blogger and award-winning author. Her award-winning book My Nutritionary will help you cut through the jargon. Do you know your MCTs from your LCTs? How about sterols from stanols? What’s the difference between glucose and dextrose? Or probiotics and prebiotics? What additive is number 330? How safe is acesulfame K? If you find yourself confused by food labels, grab your copy of Catherine Saxelby’s comprehensive guide My Nutritionary NOW!
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