10 tips to stop food cravings and help you lose weight ebook
  • 10 tips to stop food cravings and help you lose weight ebook
  • 10 tips to stop food cravings and help you lose weight ebook
  • 10 tips to stop food cravings and help you lose weight ebook
  • 10 tips to stop food cravings and help you lose weight ebook
  • 10 tips to stop food cravings and help you lose weight ebook
  • 10 tips to stop food cravings and help you lose weight ebook
  • 10 tips to stop food cravings and help you lose weight ebook
  • 10 tips to stop food cravings and help you lose weight ebook
  • 10 tips to stop food cravings and help you lose weight ebook

    10 tips to stop food cravings and help you lose weight ebook

    SKU: OP430

    This book is your best defence against cravings.  Think of it as your tool box of strategies to beat cravings.

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    This book is your best defence against cravings.  Think of it as your tool box of strategies to beat cravings.

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    Can you relate to THESE situations .... ?

    If you've ever followed a diet or eating regime to lose weight, you'll know that after the first flush of motivation fades, the biggest enemy to your success is cravings. Can you relate to these scenarios?

    • You have a cup of coffee and that doughnut looks so enticing.
    • You're waiting in line for a train that's late and a chocolate bar would take the edge off.
    • You've got a difficult problem at work and a biscuit would really help the creative process.

    We've all been there, done that. This eBook "10 tips to Stop Food Cravings and Help You Lose Weight" will help you beat these pesky cravings at last! It helps explain the different sorts of cravings, why you have them and tells you what you can do to defeat them.

    Take control of your dieting destiny

    For the price of less than two cups of coffee, you can invest in your weight loss success. Follow these practical tips and make use of the 19 Craving Busters. You CAN take control of your dieting destiny!

    Why I wrote this eBook by Hilary Jeffrey

    “Cravings can undermine even the strongest of wills and undo all the hard work that people put into trying to maintaining a healthy weight. Once we put cravings under the microscope to find their causes, be they emotional or physical, we can devise strategies to combat them. “This book isn’t about will power. It’s about knowledge - and knowledge is power. Once you know why, when and what you’re craving, you can employ the appropriate 'how' to combat it."  Hilary Jeffrey

    >> 5,600 words >> Equivalent to 40 pages >> Read in under 1 hour

    This ebook will be delivered to you as a digital download (it's a virtual book - not a physical book in the post). You have two weeks to download one of 3 files (PDF, Mobi and ePub) before the link expires.

    Contents – here’s what you’ll get:

    13 chapters to educate and inspire you to understand everything about cravings. And learn how to handle them. Plus 15 Lifestyle craving-busters and 4 Band-Aid craving-busters.

    How to use this ebook
    CHAPTER 1: The truth we all know
    CHAPTER 2: Why you get cravings
    CHAPTER 3: Tip No 1 - Drink more water!
    CHAPTER 4: Tip No 2 - Spread your food out over the day
    CHAPTER 5: Tip No 3 - Eat low GI foods
    CHAPTER 6: Tip No 4 - Check your nutrient levels
    CHAPTER 7: Tip No 5 - Be there when you eat!
    CHAPTER 8: Tip No 6 - Increase your sensitivity to sweet things
    CHAPTER 9: Tip No 7 - Find out WHY you are eating.
    CHAPTER 10: Tip No 8 - Deal with underlying emotional issues
    CHAPTER 11: Tip No 9 - Restrict the types of food you crave
    CHAPTER 12: Tip No 10 - Exercise more often and more regularly
    CHAPTER 13: Putting it all together


    About the author

    Hilary Jeffrey, B.Sc.(Hons), N.D., Dip. Nutrition, is a qualified naturopath and author of the successful True Blue Vegie Cookbook. She has long had an interest in healthy eating and nutrition but doesn’t believe in crash diets. Via this eBook, she wants to eliminate one of the main causes of failure when on a diet.  She is a coffee drinker (in moderation), an ex-vegetarian (though she limits the amount of meat she does eat, preferring fish) and a lover of fermented foods for good gut health.

    A word from Catherine

    "I heartily recommend this eBook and think it's well-written and helpful for my readers, many of whom struggle to shed their excess weight. And this overweight is the real underlying problem in type 2 diabetes, heart disease, fatty liver, gallbladder problems and bowel cancer - all conditions linked to obesity. I know the author well and am more than happy to follow her tried-and-tested advice on cravings. It's a resounding YES from me!"

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